A Group Of 4 Friends Playing Laser Tag At Tenpin (1)

Corporate Team Building Activities That Work

In the bustling world of corporate hustle, where every tick of the clock echoes the pursuit of success, there lies a not-so-secret weapon that can boost the engine of any organisation: team building. Gone are the days when team building was merely a tick-box exercise, relegated to awkward icebreakers and trust falls that, frankly, nobody trusted. Today, it’s an art form, a science, and, dare we say, a bit of a thrill!

At the heart of every high-flying company, you’ll find a team that doesn’t just work together but thrives together. It’s no coincidence; research shows that teams that engage in regular team-building games boast a staggering 35% higher productivity rate compared to those that don’t. That’s not just a nifty statistic to impress at dinner parties; it’s a game-changer for any business looking to scale the heights of their industry.

But why, you ask, is team building likened to sprinkling fairy dust on your workforce? For starters, it breaks down barriers. Imagine Jeff from finance, who’s as shy as a mouse in meetings, leading the charge in a team-building quiz. Suddenly, Jeff’s not just a spreadsheet wizard; he’s a quiz maestro with a wicked sense of humour. Team building games enhance a sense of belonging, boost morale, and, crucially, make everyone feel valued and understood.


The Perks of Team Building Games

Boost to Productivity

Research indicates that companies investing in regular team-building activities see a significant increase in productivity. A study found that businesses with a strong culture of teamwork and communication are up to 35% more productive compared to their counterparts. This productivity boost is due to improved collaboration, clearer communication, and a more engaged workforce, proving that the right team-building strategies can propel a team's efficiency and output.

Enhanced Employee Engagement

A survey revealed that companies with high employee engagement levels report 21% higher profitability. Team building exercises play a key role in fostering this engagement by making employees feel valued and connected to their colleagues and the organisation's goals. Engaged employees are more motivated, contribute more positively to team dynamics, and are less likely to leave the company, highlighting the direct link between team-building efforts and overall business success.

Reduction in Staff Turnover

The cost of replacing an employee can be high, ranging from half to two times the employee's annual salary, considering the hiring, onboarding, and reduced productivity costs. Effective team-building activities can help avoid this by enhancing job satisfaction and loyalty. A study found that fostering a strong sense of team and belonging could reduce staff turnover by up to 87%. This underscores the importance of regular team-building exercises in creating a supportive and engaging work environment that employees are reluctant to leave.

Improvement in Communication

According to a survey, 97% of employees and executives believe that lack of alignment within a team directly impacts the outcome of a task or project. Team-building activities are specifically designed to improve communication and understanding among team members, breaking down barriers and encouraging a culture of open dialogue. By improving communication, teams can function more cohesively and efficiently, directly impacting their ability to achieve common goals.

Innovation and Creativity

A supportive team environment, nurtured through ongoing team-building efforts, encourages risk-taking and innovation. Google’s Project Aristotle, which analysed data on team performance, found that the best teams at Google demonstrated high levels of psychological safety - a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. Team-building activities that encourage collaboration, trust, and open communication contribute to creating this sense of psychological safety, allowing a culture where innovation and creativity flourish.


Building Stronger Teams Across Industries

Creative and Tech Industries

Businesses in the creative and tech sectors, such as marketing agencies, software development firms, and design studios, would particularly benefit from hackathons, problem-solving workshops, and art workshops. These activities encourage creative thinking, innovation, and the sharing of ideas, which are crucial in industries that thrive on innovation and creativity. They provide a platform for employees to unleash their creativity, experiment with new ideas, and collaborate in ways that daily tasks might not allow.

Corporate and Finance Sectors

For more traditional corporate environments, including finance, law, and consultancy firms, activities like Office Olympics, lunch and learn sessions, and wellness challenges can offer a much-needed break from the high-pressure, often isolated work environment. These activities can help break down hierarchical barriers, improve cross-departmental communication, and promote a healthier work-life balance, contributing to reduced stress levels and increased job satisfaction.

Non-Profit Organisations and Educational Institutions

Nonprofit and educational institutions, where budget constraints might limit off-site activity options, can greatly benefit from in-house activities like desk decorating competitions, problem-solving workshops, and wellness challenges. These activities not only encourage team spirit and collaboration but also align with the intrinsic motivation and values-driven nature of these sectors, enhancing the sense of community and shared purpose.

Hospitality and Retail Industries

Businesses in the hospitality and retail industries, known for their customer-facing roles and the need for high team cohesion to deliver exceptional service, would find outdoor treasure hunts, charity service projects, and team building days at Tenpin particularly beneficial. These activities can help staff develop better communication skills, adaptability, and a strong team ethos, which are critical for creating positive customer experiences.

Manufacturing and Construction Sectors

In sectors like manufacturing and construction, where teamwork and safety are key, activities that emphasise physical collaboration and problem-solving, such as outdoor adventure parks and sports days, can be especially beneficial. These activities help reinforce the importance of communication, trust, and mutual support, directly translating to safer and more efficient work practices.


Out of Office Activities

The Great Escape (Room)

Escape rooms have become a beloved team-building game for many reasons. They drop teams into a narrative that demands cooperation, communication, and collective problem-solving skills to escape from a locked room. The pressure of the ticking clock, combined with the immersive themes, ranging from detective stories to historical adventures, encourages teams to pull together in ways they might not within the office walls. It's a live-action, brain-teasing adventure that requires critical thinking and creativity, making it an exciting departure from everyday tasks.

Participants learn to listen to one another and value different perspectives, as the solution often requires a combination of diverse ideas. This activity highlights the importance of each team member's contributions, reinforcing the idea that every role is vital to achieving common goals. After the escape, teams often feel a renewed sense of connection and accomplishment, translating into improved collaboration back at the office.

Moreover, escape rooms are adaptable to various group sizes and can be chosen based on difficulty levels, making it an inclusive activity. Teams walk away with not just a memorable experience but also practical insights into their dynamics and how they can better navigate challenges. This makes an escape room not just an exercise in entertainment but a strategic tool for team development.

Outdoor Treasure Hunts

Organising an outdoor treasure hunt turns a regular team outing into an adventure. It blends the thrill of discovery with the beauty of the outdoors, encouraging teams to think creatively and collaborate under the sun. The hunt can be themed to add an extra layer of excitement, perhaps as a historical quest or a mystery to solve, making it a versatile option for team building.

The physical nature of moving from clue to clue adds a dynamic aspect to the challenge, catering to teams looking for an active, engaging experience. It also allows team members to showcase and discover leadership and navigational skills in a non-work context, fostering respect and admiration among colleagues. The hunt culminates in not just finding the treasure but also in the shared stories and laughs that come from the day's challenges and surprises.

Treasure hunts are particularly effective in highlighting the importance of diverse skills, as different clues might require different approaches. They also offer a fantastic way for teams to explore new areas, whether in their city or during a company retreat, adding an element of exploration and adventure to the team-building agenda. This activity leaves teams with a sense of achievement and unity, having collectively decoded the path to the treasure.

Community Service Projects

Participating in community service projects as a team not only strengthens bonds but also aligns team efforts towards a meaningful cause. Whether it's a day spent at a local shelter, engaging in environmental clean-up, or contributing to a community garden, such projects offer a tangible way for teams to make a positive impact. The shift in context from the office to the community sets a powerful backdrop for collaboration, empathy, and mutual respect to flourish.

These projects offer a humbling experience that can shift perspectives and encourage a greater sense of gratitude and purpose within the team. Working towards a common goal that benefits others can reinvigorate a team's sense of unity and commitment, translating these values back into the workplace. It also provides an opportunity for team members to showcase leadership and organisational skills in a different setting.

Moreover, community service projects offer a break from the digital and corporate world, allowing team members to engage in physical activities that contribute to their well-being. The sense of accomplishment from helping others and the shared experiences outside the office environment can significantly boost morale and team cohesion. Teams return to work re-energised, with a reinforced sense of company values and a deeper connection with their colleagues and community.

Cooking Competitions

Cooking competitions are a deliciously engaging way to stir up team spirit. By dividing into teams and facing off in a culinary battle, employees get to showcase their creativity, time management, and ability to cooperate under pressure. This activity is not just about who can whip up the most mouth-watering dish; it's about working together, dividing tasks based on skills, and supporting each other through the frenzied rush of a makeshift kitchen.

The beauty of a cooking competition lies in its ability to level the playing field. In the kitchen, the usual office hierarchies dissolve, allowing for a more relaxed interaction among team members. It's a chance for hidden talents to shine, from the secret gourmet chefs to the most strategic planners, ensuring that every pot and pan contributes to the team's success. The shared laughter and occasional culinary mishaps add to the bonding experience, making the meal at the end taste all the sweeter.

Moreover, cooking together and then sharing the meal encourages a sense of family and community within the team. It's a reminder of the importance of nourishing relationships just as we nourish our bodies. The discussions that unfold around the dining table, seasoned with the satisfaction of a job well done, often lead to deeper connections and understanding among colleagues. This activity not only fills the stomach but also warms the heart, leaving lasting memories and a stronger, more cohesive team.

Sports Day

A company sports day is a fantastic way to inject some fun and physical activity into the team-building mix. By organising a variety of sports and activities, everyone can find something they enjoy or try something new. From traditional team sports like football and volleyball to individual challenges or quirky games like egg-and-spoon races, the diversity of activities ensures full participation and engagement. It’s a day for employees to step out of their work roles and into their sneakers, fostering team spirit in a lively and dynamic environment.

Sports days are not just about winning; they’re about cheering for each other, celebrating efforts, and enjoying the moment. This setting allows for natural leadership skills to emerge, promotes healthy competition, and encourages teamwork in a context outside of work-related projects. The physical activity involved is a great stress reliever and contributes to overall well-being, which is essential for maintaining a balanced and happy workforce.

The inclusivity of a sports day is key to its success. Activities can be adapted to ensure that everyone, regardless of their fitness level or sports ability, can participate and contribute to their team’s performance. This approach reinforces the message that everyone has a valuable role to play, mirroring the collaborative effort needed in the workplace. By the end of the day, the shared experiences, the high-fives, and the collective cheers serve to strengthen bonds and improve team dynamics back in the office.

Art Workshops

Art workshops offer a serene and creative outlet for a team building exercise, inviting participants to explore their artistic side in a relaxed and supportive environment. Whether it’s painting, pottery, or digital art, engaging in creative activities together can stimulate innovation, relieve stress, and encourage a different form of expression and communication among team members. It’s an opportunity for individuals to break away from their daily routines and engage in something that refreshes their mind and spirit.

In these workshops, the focus is on the process rather than the outcome. There’s no right or wrong in art, which helps to reduce the fear of making mistakes and promotes an atmosphere of openness and creativity. This mindset is invaluable in the workplace, where innovative thinking and the ability to approach problems from different angles are key to success. By encouraging non-judgmental feedback and shared appreciation of each other’s work, art workshops can enhance interpersonal relationships and understanding within the team.

Moreover, art workshops can reveal unexpected talents and interests, helping team members to see each other in a new light and appreciate the diversity within their team. This activity doesn’t just create art; it creates stories, laughter, and a shared sense of achievement that participants can bring back to the office. The artwork produced can even be displayed in the workplace as a lasting reminder of what can be achieved when creativity and collaboration come together.

A Day out at Tenpin

A day out at Tenpin is a perfect example of an all-in-one team-building adventure that caters to a wide range of interests and activities beyond traditional bowling. This venue is a treasure trove of fun, offering not just the thrill of striking down pins but also the excitement of laser tag, the challenge of Tenpin Putt (exclusively available at their Sheffield location), and the joy of karaoke. It's an eclectic mix that ensures everyone in the team finds something to enjoy, making it an ideal setting for teams looking to bond and have fun outside the office environment.

Starting with bowling, teams can spark a bit of friendly competition, cheering each other on and perhaps even discovering some hidden talents among them. Moving on to laser tag, team members can dive into a high-energy, futuristic game that demands strategy, teamwork, and quick thinking, providing an adrenaline-fueled experience that's both fun and immersive. For those seeking a more relaxed pace, Tenpin Putt offers a unique mini-golf experience, blending skill and patience in a fun environment, while karaoke sessions provide a stage for team members to let loose, showcasing their singing talents (or lack of) in a supportive and laughter-filled setting.

Adding to the appeal is the onsite bar, where teams can gather to relax and unwind after the day’s activities. It’s a great spot for informal chats, strengthening relationships, and reflecting on the day's adventures. The variety of activities at Tenpin ensures that the day is filled with laughter, sociability, and memorable moments. It's an excellent example of how diverse and inclusive team-building activities can enhance team dynamics, encourage communication, and foster a sense of unity and enjoyment among team members. A visit to Tenpin is not just a day out; it's an opportunity to build lasting bonds and create a positive, engaging team culture.


In Office Activities

Office Olympics

The concept of Office Olympics transforms the traditional workspace into an arena of fun, competition, and teamwork. By setting up a series of office-friendly games, employees get the chance to engage in light-hearted competition, showcasing skills that don’t necessarily come to the fore in daily tasks. Activities can range from chair races and desk ping-pong tournaments to creative challenges like who can build the tallest structure using only office supplies. The key is to include a variety of games that encourage both physical and mental skills, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Office Olympics not only break the monotony of the workday but also foster a sense of community and teamwork. Participating in games together can level the hierarchical structures, allowing for more open communication and camaraderie among team members of all levels. It’s an opportunity for employees to cheer each other on, celebrate victories, and even good-naturedly rib each other over defeats, which strengthens relationships and builds a more cohesive team spirit.

Organising such an event requires minimal resources and preparation, making it an accessible option for any company. It’s about creativity and making use of the space and materials at hand. The aftermath of the Olympics can be just as beneficial as the event itself, with increased morale, enhanced workplace relationships, and plenty of inside jokes and memories that contribute to a positive work culture. Encouraging employees to take part in organising the event can also encourage leadership skills and initiative, making Office Olympics a multifaceted team-building exercise.

Lunch and Learn Sessions

Lunch and Learn sessions present a unique opportunity for team building and professional development within the workplace. By dedicating time for employees to gather and learn something new while enjoying their lunch, companies can foster an environment of continuous learning and curiosity. These sessions can cover a wide range of topics, from industry-related insights and skill-sharing workshops to personal development talks and cultural awareness presentations. The key is to offer a variety of subjects that appeal to diverse interests, encouraging broad participation.

These informal gatherings not only provide valuable knowledge but also encourage dialogue and interaction among team members who might not work closely on a daily basis. It’s a chance to break down departmental silos and build networks within the organisation, enhancing collaboration and understanding across different areas of the business. Speakers can be sourced from within the company, showcasing internal expertise, or from external sources, bringing fresh perspectives into the organisation.

Moreover, Lunch and Learn sessions underscore a company’s commitment to employee development and well-being by investing in their growth beyond the immediate job requirements. This can significantly boost morale, increase job satisfaction, and contribute to a culture of openness and shared learning. By blending the social aspect of lunchtime with the intellectual stimulation of learning, these sessions strike a perfect balance between relaxation and productivity, enriching the team’s overall dynamic.

Problem-Solving Workshops

Hosting problem-solving workshops within the office is a powerful way to enhance team collaboration and critical thinking skills. In these workshops, teams are presented with hypothetical or real-world scenarios related to their work or industry challenges, and they must work together to devise solutions. These sessions can be structured around specific methodologies, such as design thinking or the Six Sigma approach, providing teams with a framework to tackle problems systematically.

These workshops encourage team members to voice their ideas and perspectives, fostering a culture of innovation and open communication. It’s an excellent way for individuals to learn from each other, blending diverse expertise and experiences to uncover unique solutions. Facilitators can guide the discussion, ensuring that the process remains productive and that all voices are heard, making it an inclusive and educational experience for everyone involved.

Beyond solving the task at hand, problem-solving workshops offer teams a chance to practice working under pressure in a controlled, supportive environment. This experience is invaluable, as it builds resilience and adaptability that team members can carry into their daily work. The sense of achievement from successfully navigating a challenge together strengthens the team's bond and boosts confidence in their collective problem-solving abilities, enhancing overall team performance.

In-house Hackathons

In-house hackathons are not just for tech companies. They can be a dynamic team-building exercise for any business willing to embrace innovation. Over a day or two, teams work intensively on projects outside their usual remit, perhaps developing a new product idea, finding solutions to internal processes, or even creating a charity initiative. It’s a time-boxed event that encourages creativity, experimentation, and collaboration, pushing teams to think outside the box and work under a deadline, mimicking the pressure and excitement of real-world project development.

Hackathons provide a platform for employees to showcase skills that aren't part of their daily jobs, discover hidden talents among their colleagues, and learn new skills in a practical, hands-on environment. The cross-departmental collaboration breaks down silos within the organisation, fostering a spirit of unity and mutual respect. It's an exhilarating way for teams to engage in problem-solving, with the added bonus of potentially generating viable solutions or products that benefit the company.

The conclusion of a hackathon often features presentations where teams showcase their projects. This not only celebrates the hard work and creativity of all participants but also allows the wider company to recognize and appreciate the diverse talents within their workforce. The innovative ideas generated can spark further development and investment, making hackathons a valuable tool for organisational growth as well as team building.

Wellness Challenges

Wellness challenges within the workplace can take many forms, from step-count competitions and hydration challenges to mindfulness and meditation sessions. These challenges promote health and well-being among employees, emphasising the importance of a balanced lifestyle. By participating as a team, employees can motivate and support each other to achieve their personal health goals, encouraging a sense of accountability and togetherness.

Organising a wellness challenge is relatively simple and can be tailored to the interests and needs of the team. For example, a month-long challenge with different weekly focuses encourages sustained engagement and allows participants to explore various aspects of wellness. Leaderboards or tracking apps can add a competitive edge, but the primary goal is to encourage positive lifestyle changes and create a supportive community within the workplace.

The benefits of wellness challenges extend beyond the duration of the activity. They can lead to long-term behaviour changes, improve overall morale, and decrease stress levels. Employees who feel supported in their health and well-being are more likely to be engaged and productive. Furthermore, these challenges demonstrate the company’s commitment to its employees' holistic well-being, enhancing its culture and attractiveness as an employer.


To Wrap Up

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving corporate landscape, fostering a cohesive and dynamic team is not just beneficial; it's essential. The range of team-building activities available, both within the confines of the office and beyond its walls, underscores a fundamental truth: when individuals come together in pursuit of a common goal, extraordinary things can happen. Whether it’s the creative freedom expressed in an art workshop, the strategic collaboration honed in an escape room, or the sociability built during a friendly office Olympics, each activity offers a unique pathway to strengthen bonds, enhance communication, and boost overall morale. These activities transcend the mundane routines of daily work, injecting a sense of adventure, learning, and genuine connection into the professional environment.

The beauty of these team-building exercises lies not just in the immediate enjoyment or the break they provide from the norm, but in the lasting impact they have on a team’s dynamics. Improved communication, increased understanding, and a shared sense of achievement are just the tip of the iceberg. As teams learn to navigate challenges together, celebrate victories, and even gracefully accept defeats, they build a foundation of trust and respect that carries over into every project, meeting, and decision in the workplace. In essence, investing in team building is investing in the heart of your business—its people. By embracing the diverse range of activities outlined, companies can foster a culture of unity, innovation, and resilience, setting the stage for not just success, but excellence.