Dark Underpass

Escape Room Strategies

Have you ever been stuck in an escape room, frantically searching for that elusive key while the clock counts down? Or maybe you've been close to getting out, but just couldn't piece together the last puzzle?

Well, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned escapee, these 15 tricks will help you and your crew make a grand exit. And to make it even spicier, we’ve borrowed a few tips from Houdini's Escape Rooms at Tenpin!


Choose Your Team Wisely:

So, you're gearing up for an escape room challenge? First stop: team selection. Think of this like picking your all-star squad. You wouldn’t want all goalies on a football team, right? The same goes for escape rooms. Having a team of only 'thinkers' could mean you'll spend way too much time, well, thinking. On the flip side, a team filled with 'doers' might jump into action without a solid plan. And let’s not forget our lovely chatterboxes - they're the ones who keep spirits high and make sure everyone’s in the loop. Diversity is the name of the game here.

Picking a good mix is like creating a recipe for success. Imagine making soup. You need your base, some spices, and a mix of veggies. If you had only carrots, it’d be a pretty bland carrot soup. But throw in some potatoes, beans, and corriander, and now you’re cooking! In escape rooms, you want a team that brings different flavours to the table. With the right mix of pals, each bringing their unique taste, you’re set to cook up a storm and tackle any puzzle thrown your way!


Communicate, Communicate, Communicate:

Escape rooms are like big jigsaw puzzles, and every player holds a piece. So, can you imagine trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle with your eyes closed? That’s what it's like when you don’t speak up in an escape room. Each clue or item you find could be the missing link someone else is searching for. If you stumble upon a cool-looking key or an odd note, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it with the team!

Now, on the flip side, if you're scratching your head and can't make heads or tails of a riddle, don't keep that quiet either. Someone else might have just the right idea or have seen something you missed. The room is filled with secrets waiting to be found, and by talking, you can connect the dots faster. Remember, in escape rooms, your voice is your superpower. Use it, and watch as the path to freedom becomes clearer with every word shared!


Don’t Overthink:

Escape rooms toss a bunch of clues, keys, and codes at you. It's easy to fall down a rabbit hole, thinking maybe this key has to be held upside down while humming the national anthem to work. But chances are, it doesn’t.

Instead of dreaming up wild ideas, keep things light and fun. Think of escape rooms as big, playful toy boxes. The fun is in the playing, not in making it complicated. The designers want you to solve it, not pull your hair out! So, if you and your pals are stuck, take a step back. Maybe have a quick laugh about the wildest theories you've come up with. Then, dive back in with fresh eyes and a clear mind. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. So, keep it chill, keep it fun, and most of all, keep it simple. 


Use Your Hints:

You know that feeling when you're playing a game and you're just stuck? Like, really stuck. The kind of stuck where you start wondering if the room is playing tricks on you? Yeah, we've all been there. But here's a secret: it's okay to ask for help. Think of it this way - when you're putting together a big puzzle and you can't find where that one piece goes, sometimes all it takes is a friend to point it out. That's what hints are for!

In escape rooms, hints are like those friendly nudges. They don't mean you're not smart or that your team isn't doing great. They're just little boosts to get you back on track. Especially at places like Houdini's, where game masters are always on standby, watching and ready to help. They've seen teams of all kinds and they know just when to give that gentle push in the right direction. So don’t shy away! If you're feeling lost or if that clock seems to be moving a tad too fast, just shout out for a hint. Trust us, in the end, you’ll be glad you did. It's all part of the game, and every hint brings you one step closer to victory!


Keep Your Cool:

Ever watched a pot of water and waited for it to boil? It feels like forever! The same goes when you’re in an escape room and you let stress take the wheel. Panic's sneaky. One moment you're got a child out vibe, the next, you’re running around like a headless chicken. But here's a secret: staying calm can be your superpower. Just like in tag or hide-and-seek, if you dash about without a plan, you're more likely to get caught.

We get it. The clock is ticking, the music’s building and there's that one puzzle that's driving everyone bananas. But here’s the thing: when you relax, your brain works better. It’s science! So, when that little voice in your head starts to say, “We're never getting out,” tell it to shhhhh!! Take a moment. Breathe. Laugh with your mates. Because once you cool down, you’ll see things clearer. The clues will pop out, the pieces will fit, and voilà – you’re one step closer to victory! Remember, in the great game of escape, a cool head often holds the key.


Assign Roles:

Okay, let's break it down a bit more. Picture this: You’re with your crew, standing in the middle of a cool, dimly lit room. There's a big ol' clock on the wall, ticking away. Now's not the time for everyone to run wild! To make the most of the time and the skills you've got, you need a plan. Think of it like a fun game of football. You wouldn’t want everyone chasing the ball at once. The same goes for escape rooms. If everyone's doing the same thing, you might miss out on other clues.

Start by checking out what everyone's good at. Maybe your buddy Joe has eagle eyes and can spot a needle in a haystack. Let him be the searcher. Then there's Sara, who loves riddles and can solve them while sipping her coffee. She should tackle the brain teasers. And don’t forget about Tim, who's great at keeping things calm and making sure everyone's having fun. He can be the team cheerleader, keeping spirits high. By giving everyone a role, you're not just playing smart; you're also making sure everyone feels like a key player. Plus, when everyone knows what they're doing, things flow smoother, and you're more likely to hear that sweet, sweet sound of victory!


Stay Organized:

When diving into the world of escape rooms, think of it as tidying up a room. You wouldn't throw your socks in the kitchen or your spoons in the closet! The same rule applies here. Every clue, key, or tool you find should have its own special spot. Think of it this way: you’re playing a game of tag in a playground. Would you rather run around in a clean, open field or a yard filled with toys, chairs, and who knows what else? A clean space gives you room to think and move.

Remember those moments when you're looking for your TV remote and it's right there on the sofa? That's the kind of time you don't want to waste in an escape room. If you place things neatly from the start, it’s easy to pick them up when needed. Plus, when everyone knows where stuff is, there's less of the "Hey, where's that blue key?" or "Didn't we have a note with a star on it?" Instead, your team can zoom through tasks. So, tidy as you go, and watch as those escape room puzzles get a bit easier!


Rotate Jobs:

Imagine you're trying to solve a tricky riddle. You've read it out loud, played with the words, and maybe even danced around it a bit hoping for some clarity. But nada, zilch, nothing. Your brain's hit a wall. That's when the magic of rotation comes in. Rather than poking the same spot over and over, why not trade spots with a buddy? It's like getting a fresh pair of eyes on a tough puzzle, and sometimes, that's all you need.

Now, think about it. We all see things differently. What looks like a jumbled mess to you might make perfect sense to someone else. It's just how our brains work. Some people are good with numbers, some with patterns, and some just have that odd knack for seeing the unseen. By switching up jobs and challenges, you allow your team to tap into these different strengths. It keeps things moving and grooving. Plus, it's a blast to see a teammate crack a puzzle you've been wrestling with! So next time you're stuck in a loop, don't be shy. Trade puzzles, give that brain a shake-up, and watch as the pieces start falling into place.


The Clock's Ticking, But Don’t Rush:

The clock is ticking down, and your heart's racing with it. Every tick-tock seems louder, urging you to move faster. But here's the thing: rushing can be your biggest enemy in an escape room. When we rush, we tend to skip things. Those tiny details? They might hold the key (sometimes, literally) to the next big clue. Miss them, and you might find yourself going in circles, wondering where you went wrong.

Think about those fun times when you played hide and seek as a kid. The best spots weren't found in haste but with a keen eye and a touch of patience. Escape rooms are kinda like that. It's a blend of speed and smartness. Yes, you need to be quick. Time waits for no one, after all. But you also need to be thorough. Check that bookshelf again. Look under the table. Chat with your team. Discuss ideas. And most of all, keep a cool head. Because when you balance speed with a sharp eye, you're not just racing against the clock – you're outsmarting it!


Celebrate Small Wins:

Escape rooms are like mini roller-coasters of emotions. One minute you’re at a low, scratching your head, and the next you're on a high because you've cracked a code no one else could. Those highs? They come from the small wins. Maybe it's a key tucked under a rug or a code you decoded from a painting on the wall. Each win, no matter how tiny, is a step closer to victory.

When you celebrate these wins, it's not just about patting yourself on the back. It's about the energy it brings to the room. Imagine you’re playing with friends. When one person shouts, “Got it!”, doesn’t the room light up a bit? Doesn’t it make everyone feel that bit more hopeful? Sure does! These small moments of joy can be like fuel. They keep everyone going, pushing forward, and feeling good. So, cheer for every key found, every riddle solved, and every step forward. It makes the journey even more fun!


Don't Be Afraid to Split Up:

You know how in Scooby Doo when Fred says, "Let's split up, gand" it sometimes ends in, well, a bit of a mess? But in escape rooms, it's often the smart move! Just think about it. With a room full of secrets waiting to be found, if everyone's huddled in one corner, you might be missing out on heaps of clues elsewhere. Spreading out means you're covering more ground. It's like having eyes everywhere, making sure nothing sneaks past you.

We’re not saying you go solo for the entire game. It's more like a short sprint. Dash off, gather what you can then regroup to put all the pieces together. See it as a fun game of 'treasure hunt'. Some are digging at one spot, while others are scouting out new areas. Then, when someone shouts, "I found something!" - that's your cue to team up again, share what you've got, and figure out the next step. Remember, in escape rooms, it's all about balance. A mix of teamwork and a sprinkle of solo exploring can be the secret sauce to success!


The Theme’s The Thing:

Themes in escape rooms aren't just there for fancy decor and cool titles. They’re the heart and soul of your escape journey. At our escape rooms by Houdini, each theme is like a new world. One day, you're a wizard with a magic wand, and the next, you're a secret agent trying to crack a code. It's a bit like being in a movie. And just like movies, these themes often have hints hidden right in plain sight. So, when you step into a room, let your imagination run wild. Feel the theme, live it, breathe it.

Now, let's spill some beans. Why's the theme so key? Because the makers of the room, those clever guys, weave the clues right into the theme's fabric. That old book in the wizard room? It might just have a spell to open a secret door. The high-tech gadgets in the heist room? They could be the way to disarm an alarm. The trick is to think in tune with the theme. Don’t just see the objects; think about how they fit into the story. Because when you get into the groove of the theme, you’re not just playing the game; you’re living it. And that’s when the clues will start popping out. So, next time, remember: The theme isn't just for show. It's the main show!


Touch Everything (Gently!):

Think of yourself as a kid in a candy store. You can touch! But there’s a catch. While it's tempting to go all Hulk-smash on things, take a step back. Why? Because everything in that room is a part of the puzzle. If you break it, you might just be breaking the very clue that leads you to victory.

While you're busy twisting and turning a curious-looking object, your buddy might be fiddling with a lock, and another mate might be flipping through a book for hidden messages. It’s like a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, you’re after clues. Every item could be the key to the next step. So touch, feel, and explore. Just remember, a gentle hand can go a long way. Being rough might not just halt your game but could also spoil the fun for those coming in next. So, have fun, get hands-on, but always with care. After all, escape rooms are about using your brain, not your brawn!


Think Outside the Box:

You know when you're trying to open a jar and you've tried every trick in the book? Then someone comes along and taps the bottom, and voila, it opens? Escape rooms are a bit like that. We often get stuck because we're thinking in straight lines. But what if you tilt your head, squint a little, and look at things in a new light? That's when the magic happens.

For example, imagine you've been hunting for a key in the usual spots: under the rug, inside books, or behind paintings. Nothing. Then, out of the blue, someone suggests checking inside a vase or maybe even in the light fixtures. But in escape rooms, the wild often works! So next time you're in a pickle, remember to let your mind roam free. Think of the funniest, wackiest ideas. You'd be surprised how often they hit the mark. Sometimes the answers are right in front of us, just waiting for us to see them in a different light. So, chuck the rulebook and let your creative flag fly high!


Enjoy the Ride:

One moment you're on top, feeling like a puzzle genius, and the next, you're scratching your head, thinking, "Okay, now what?" But isn't that where the fun is? It's in the challenge, the unexpected twists, and the hearty laughs when things don't quite go as planned. It's more about the ride with friends and less about the destination or the final buzzer.

The slip-ups, the wild guesses, and the sudden “Eureka!” moments. That's the heart of the escape room thrill. It's a spot where you can both scratch your head in puzzlement and then high-five a pal the next second. It's all about soaking in each fun-filled moment, feeling the rush of the challenge, and cherishing the shared laughs. So, when you step into that room, forget the outside world for a bit, and just enjoy the wild ride!

Escape rooms are like life’s little tests. They’re tough, puzzling, and at times, a wee bit frustrating. But with a sprinkle of teamwork, a dash of strategy, and a pinch of fun, you can break out of any jam!

And if you’re looking for an escape room that’ll truly test your team's mettle, look no further than Houdini's Escape Rooms at Tenpin. With their range of exciting themes and challenging puzzles, you're in for a treat.

Gather your team, sharpen your wits, and let the escaping begin! And when you triumph (because with these tips, how can you not?), don’t forget to give your teammates a high-five. After all, teamwork makes the dream work! And, if you’re looking for a team building activity, you certainly can’t go wrong with an escape room experience.